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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Title Abbreviation
J Occup Health Psychol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Psychologists, Researchers
The Journal publishes theory, research, and public policy articles in occupational health psychology, an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations. Occupational health psychology concerns the application of psychology to improving the quality of work life and to protecting and promoting the safety, health, and well-being of workers. The Journal has a threefold focus, including organization of work, individual psychological attributes, and work-nonwork interface in relation to employee health, safety, or well-being. The Journal seeks scholarly articles, from both researchers and practitioners, concerning psychological factors in relationship to all aspects of occupational safety, health, and wellbeing. Includes articles in which work-related and nonwork-related psychological factors play a role in the etiology of occupational safety, health, and wellbeing; articles examining the dynamics of occupational safety, health, and wellbeing; articles concerned with the use of psychological approaches to improve occupational safety, health, and wellbeing. Special attention is given to articles with a prevention and a promotion emphasis. Authors should consider the financial costs and economic benefits of prevention and promotion programs they evaluate.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Publisher Name
American Psychological Association (APA)
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