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Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology

Title Abbreviation
Scand J Rheumatol
Electronic ISSN
General Practitioners, Orthopedic Surgeons, Pharmacologists, Radiologists, Rheumatologists
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is the official journal of the Scandinavian Society for Rheumatology, a non-profit organization following the statutes of the Scandinavian Society for Rheumatology/Scandinavian Research Foundation. The main objective of the Foundation is to support research and promote information and knowledge about rheumatology and related fields. The annual surplus by running the Journal is awarded to young, talented, researchers within the field of rheumatology.pasting The Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is an international scientific journal covering clinical and experimental aspects of rheumatic diseases. The journal provides essential reading for rheumatologists as well as general practitioners, orthopaedic surgeons, radiologists, pharmacologists, pathologists and other health professionals with an interest in patients with rheumatic diseases. The journal publishes original articles as well as reviews, editorials, letters and supplements within the various fields of clinical and experimental rheumatology, including; Epidemiology; Aetiology and pathogenesis; Treatment and prophylaxis; Laboratory aspects including genetics, biochemistry, immunology, immunopathology, microbiology, histopathology, pathophysiology and pharmacology; Radiological aspects including X-ray, ultrasonography, CT, MRI and other forms of imaging.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Swedish Rheumatology Association (Svensk Reumatologisk Förening) (SRF)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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