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Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Title Abbreviation
Nat Rev Drug Discov
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biologists, Industrial Scientists, Medicinal Chemists, Pharmacologists, Technologists
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery is a monthly journal aimed at everyone working in the drug discovery and development arena. In addition to the highest-quality reviews and perspectives covering the entire field, each issue includes news stories that investigate the hottest topics in drug discovery, timely summaries of key primary research papers, and concise updates on the latest advances in fast-moving areas such as new drug approvals, patent law and emerging industry trends. Subjects covered: Target discovery and validation, High-throughput screening, Novel therapeutic strategies, Rational drug design, Medicinal chemistry, Natural products, Informatics, Pharmacology, Toxicology, 'Omic' technologies, Drug delivery, Biopharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Vaccines, Clinical trials, Drug regulation, Market analysis, Strategic issues, Industry trends, Intellectual property, Pharmacoeconomics.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Nature Publishing Group - UK
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