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Current Chemical Biology

Title Abbreviation
Curr Chem Biol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Chemists, Scientists
Current Chemical Biology aims to publish full-length and mini reviews as well as research papers on exciting new developments at the chemistry-biology interface, covering topics relating to Chemical Synthesis, Science at Chemistry-Biology Interface and Chemical Mechanisms of Biological Systems. Current Chemical Biology covers the following areas: Chemical Synthesis (Syntheses of biologically important macromolecules including proteins, polypeptides, oligonucleotides, oligosaccharides etc.; Asymmetric synthesis; Combinatorial synthesis; Diversity-oriented synthesis; Template-directed synthesis; Biomimetic synthesis; Solid phase biomolecular synthesis; Synthesis of small biomolecules: amino acids, peptides, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleosides; and Natural product synthesis). Science at Chemistry-Biology Interface (Chemical informatics; Macromolecular catalysts and receptors; Enzymatic synthesis; Biosynthetic engineering; Combinatorial biosynthesis; Plant cell based chemistry; Bacterial and viral cell based chemistry; Chemistry of cellular processes in plants/animals; Receptor chemistry; Cell signaling chemistry; Drug design through understanding of disease processes; Synthetic biology; New high throughput screening techniques; Small molecular array fabrication; Chemical genomics; Chemical and biological approaches to carbohydrates proteins and nucleic acids design; Chemical and biological regulation of biosynthetic pathways; and Unnatural biomolecular analogs). Chemical Mechanisms of Biological Systems (Mechanisms of drug design; Molecular recognition; Enzyme inhibition mechanisms; Chemical mechanisms of biological functions; Molecular machines; Chemical ecology; Metal ions in biological systems; Metalloenzymes; Chemical mechanisms, proteomics and metabonomics; Chemical imaging; Small molecule-biological target interactions; Biologically active natural products; Elucidation of biosynthetic pathways; and Simulation and modeling of biomolecules).
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
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