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Journal of Neurogenetics

Title Abbreviation
J Neurogenet
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Researchers, Scientists
Under new editorship from 2008, Journal of Neurogenetics continues to publish papers involving the genetics of behavior, neural function or development, interpreted in the broadest sense. The Journal may be particularly appropriate for papers on behavioral, biochemical, or cellular aspects of neural function, plasticity, aging or disease. In addition to analyses in the traditional genetic-model organisms, C. elegans, Drosophila, mouse and the zebrafish, the Journal encourages submission of neurogenetic investigations performed in organisms not easily amenable to experimental genetics. Such investigations might, for instance, describe behavioral differences deriving from genetic variation within a species, or report human disease studies that provide exceptional insights into biological mechanisms. Manuscripts simply documenting the correlation of specific human SNPs with behavioral traits or neurological disorders are outside of the Journal's current Scope and will not be considered. In addition to Original Articles, the Journal will also publish Short Communications, and Hypotheses, as well as Invited Commentaries and Reviews. Meeting Reports or groups of Abstracts associated with Neurogenetics conferences will also appear on a regular basis Strengths of the Journal: Revised presentation; Provides a fair and constructive peer review of manuscripts submitted; Ensures accepted manuscripts appear in electronic databases within six weeks of final acceptance; Provide rapid editorial review of papers previously reviewed by other journals; Allows authors maximal latitude in discussing the wide implications of their work and, when duly qualified, encourage discussions that question current models; Improving representation of research from countries outside Europe and North America.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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