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Biomedical Researchers, Chemists, Demographers, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, Researchers, Toxicologists
The journal Biomarkers brings together all aspects of the rapidly growing field of biomarker research, encompassing their various uses and applications in one essential source. Biomarkers provides a vital forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts in all areas of biomarker research. High quality papers in four main areas are accepted and manuscripts describing novel biomarkers and their subsequent validation are especially encouraged: Biomarkers of disease; Biomarkers of exposure; Biomarkers of response; Biomarkers of susceptibility. Manuscripts can describe biomarkers measured in humans or other animals in vivo or in vitro. Biomarkers will consider publishing negative data from studies of biomarkers of susceptibility in human populations. The emphasis will be on demonstrating relationships between markers and effects rather than methodological papers unless they describe novel techniques. We particularly also welcome clinical trials and population based studies, as well as methodologically sound literature reviews.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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