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Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

Title Abbreviation
Comput Med Imaging Graph
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Cardiologists, Computer Scientists, Gastroenterologists, Internists, Nephrologists, Neurologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Oncologists, Ophthalmologists, Pathologists, Physicists, Radiologists, Surgeons, Technologists, Vascular Medicine Specialists, Vascular Surgeons
The purpose of the journal Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics is to act as a source for the exchange of research results concerning algorithmic advances, development, and application of digital imaging in disease detection, diagnosis, intervention, prevention, precision medicine, and population health. Included in the journal will be articles on novel computerized imaging or visualization techniques, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, augmented reality for surgical planning and guidance, big biomedical data visualization, computer-aided diagnosis, computerized-robotic surgery, image-guided therapy, imaging scanning and reconstruction, mobile and tele-imaging, radiomics, and imaging integration and modeling with other information relevant to digital health. The types of biomedical imaging include: magnetic resonance, computed tomography, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, X-ray, microwave, optical and multi-photon microscopy, video and sensory imaging, and the convergence of biomedical images with other non-imaging datasets. The journal is a vehicle for the rapid publication of original research papers and review articles in the field of computerized medical imaging and graphics. Papers published in the journal will be of interest to computer scientists, electrical and biomedical engineers, medical physicists, imaging specialists, medical informaticians, radiologists, pathologists and other physicians and internists interested in imaging applications.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier, Inc.
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