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Food and Chemical Toxicology

Title Abbreviation
Food Chem Toxicol
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Chemists, Industrial Hygienists, Industrial Scientists, Molecular Biologists, Nutritionists, Toxicologists
Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT), an internationally renowned journal, that publishes original research articles and reviews on toxic effects, in animals and humans, of natural or synthetic chemicals occurring in the human environment with particular emphasis on food, drugs, and chemicals, including agricultural and industrial safety, and consumer product safety. Areas such as safety evaluation of novel foods and ingredients, biotechnologically-derived products, and nanomaterials are included in the scope of the journal. FCT also encourages submission of papers on inter-relationships between nutrition and toxicology and on in vitro techniques, particularly those fostering the 3 Rs. The principal aim of the journal is to publish high impact, scholarly work and to serve as a multidisciplinary forum for research in toxicology. Papers submitted will be judged on the basis of scientific originality and contribution to the field, quality and subject matter. Studies should address at least one of the following: Adverse physiological/biochemical, or pathological changes induced by specific defined substances; New techniques for assessing potential toxicity, including molecular biology; Mechanisms underlying toxic phenomena; Toxicological examinations of specific chemicals or consumer products, both those showing adverse effects and those demonstrating safety, that meet current standards of scientific acceptability.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier, Inc.
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