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Expert Review of Proteomics

Title Abbreviation
Expert Rev Proteomics
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Chemists, Clinical Engineers, Medicinal Chemists, Researchers
Expert Review of Proteomics [ISSN 1478-9450]; [e-ISSN 1744-8387] is a MEDLINE-indexed, international journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed review articles and original research in proteomics. Expert Review of Proteomics publishes reviews, commentary and original research from the fields of clinical and translational proteomics and related fields to advance scientific understanding of the many varied roles protein expression plays in human health and disease. Articles focus on the following key areas: Specific technological advances in the development of biological mass spectrometry; Protein arrays; Interaction maps; Data archives; Biological assays; Performance of new technologies and prospects for future drug discovery. Comprehensive coverage in each review is complemented by the unique Expert Collection format and includes the following sections: Expert Opinion – a personal view of the data presented in the article, a discussion on the developments that are likely to be important in the future, and the avenues of research likely to become exciting as further studies yield more detailed results; Article Highlights – an executive summary of the author’s most critical points.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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