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5672 Journals
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Title Abbreviation
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Neurologists, Ophthalmologists
Neuro-Ophthalmology publishes original papers on diagnostic methods in neuro-ophthalmology such as perimetry, neuro-imaging and electro-physiology; on the visual system such as the retina, ocular motor system and the pupil; on neuro-ophthalmic aspects of the orbit; and on related fields such as migraine and ocular manifestations of neurological diseases. The following sections are included in the journal: Editorial (will usually be commissioned); Review (may be commissioned or submitted); Comment (shorter than a full review and may cover a single issue and may be more speculative, may be commissioned or submitted); Original Paper and Short Report (in the fields of Basic Science, Clinical Science and History of Neuro-Ophthalmology); Case Report and Case Series (which must contribute original information to the literature); Photo-essay (the clinical condition described need not be original, the criterion is that the image must be of high quality and provide an illustration that is of a high educational value); Letters to the Editor (usually commenting on articles published in the journal); Book Reviews (usually commissioned, but suggestions are welcomed); Selected Abstracts (Neuro-Ophthalmic literature review, commissioned from our team of reviewers); Society Tidings (commissioned or submitted).
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (EUNOS)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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