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Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Expert Rev Mol Med
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Researchers, Cardiologists, Cardiovascular Surgeons, Clinicians, Endocrinologists, Immunologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Neurologists, Oncologists, Pharmacologists, Researchers
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine is an online journal featuring authoritative and timely reviews on all aspects of molecular medicine. Review articles cover current and emerging understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning human health and disease, and molecular aspects of the approaches used to diagnose and treat them. They may critically evaluate laboratory or in silico studies, studies on patient samples and molecular aspects of clinical diagnostics or therapy. The journal's focus is on translation from molecular science to clinical studies and is not constrained to any single system or disease. We particularly welcome articles spanning more than one of the themes below. Overarching Themes: 1. Molecular mechanisms of disease, including hereditary disorders 2. Molecular aspects of infection, immunity and inflammation 3. Diagnostic, prognostic and predictive molecular biomarkers 4. Molecular mechanisms of all classes of therapeutic agents, including novel and repurposed drugs, biologics, immunotherapeutics 5. Novel molecular technologies 6. Bioinformatics. Within these themes topics may be disease-specific. While we welcome papers covering all traditional specialist disease areas, we are also extremely interested in general cross cutting areas, including life-course diseases (in utero to ageing).
Sponsoring Association(s)
Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies (CARET)
Publisher Name
Cambridge University Press
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