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Aging Cell

Title Abbreviation
Aging Cell
Electronic ISSN
Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Molecular Biologists, Physiologists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging
The aim of Aging Cell is to publish the highest quality, innovative research addressing fundamental issues in the biology of aging. For publication in Aging Cell, the work must provide a major new contribution to the understanding of aging and be of general interest to the community. Aging Cell seeks to cover all areas of geroscience, highlighting research that uncovers mechanistic aspects of the aging process, as well as the links between aging and age-related disease. Observations of novel aging processes without substantial mechanistic insight will be considered, but should be of especially high impact for the field. Topics including, but not limited to, nutrient-responsive signaling pathways, neuronal and endocrine signaling pathways, tissue interactions, genetic and epigenetic regulation and integrity, proteostasis, circadian rhythms, ROS and mitochondria, cellular senescence, stem cells, progerias and interventions that affect aging are encouraged. All experimental approaches, including plant models, are welcome. Papers that focus on the pathogenesis of a specific age-related pathology are also of interest, but should offer new insights into the fundamental links between aging and disease.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Anatomical Society
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