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5679 Journals
4566 Congresses
10200+ Unique Records


Title Abbreviation
Electronic ISSN
Chemists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Organic Chemists
Organometallics records progress in one of the most active fields for organometallic, inorganic, organic, catalytic, main group and materials chemists. Articles, communications, mini-reviews, and tutorials detail the synthesis, structure, bonding, chemical reactivity and reaction mechanisms, and applications of organometallic and organometalloidal compounds. Applications coverage includes organic and polymer synthesis, catalytic processes, and synthetic aspects of materials science and solid-state chemistry. In special instances, Organometallics also publishes correspondence, offering an opportunity for authors to comment on another author's work.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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