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Environmental Health Insights

Title Abbreviation
Environ Health Insights
Electronic ISSN
Environmental Epidemiologists, Epidemiologists, Industrial Hygienists, Industrial Scientists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Scientists, Toxicologists
Environmental Health Insights is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access online journal which looks at how environmental factors affect the health of individuals and societies. This journal welcomes the following topics: Ambient (outdoor) air quality and air pollution control; Indoor air quality (IAQ) and its distribution and treatment (e.g., heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC systems); Drinking water quality and treatment; Recreational water quality protection and treatment (e.g., lakes, rivers, oceans, public and private pools); Wastewater management (e.g., collection, storage and treatment of stormwater runoff, municipal sewage or industrial wastewater discharges); Food quality, protection and sanitation; Epidemiology and related infectious disease and disease vector control; Toxicology and related non-infectious disease control; Residential, municipal, business and industrial solid waste management; Residential, municipal, business and industrial hazardous waste management; Occupational health/industrial hygiene, including ergonomics of work environments; Management of physical health and injury hazards and risks (e.g., heat, cold, and ionizing and non-ionizing radiation).
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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