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Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry

Title Abbreviation
Arch Physiol Biochem
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Cell Biologists, Chemists, Clinicians, Cytologists, Diabetologists, Physicians, Physiologists, Researchers
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary platform which looks to integrate major findings in the field of metabolism research. The journal has a special emphasis on the control of energy homeostasis, including the pathogenesis and putative therapy of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and lipid and cardiovascular disorders. The journal is particularly interested in publishing manuscripts that contribute to a better understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of energy homeostasis and their dysfunction at the molecular level. The journal intends to connect the practical execution of metabolism research with a broader discussion on the way in which we perform and report metabolism research currently and how we should do so in the future. To that end, Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts discussing key principles and their underlying foundations in (metabolism) research, which often remain unrecognized or neglected. This includes the benefits, problems, alternatives and integrative approaches with regard to hypothesis-driven research, big data science, animal models (including knockout mice) for metabolic diseases, presentation and communication of knowledge, driving forces for scientific progress (e.g. papers, funding). Manuscripts reporting predominantly correlative findings as well as studies investigating the effects of natural products or xenobiotics on cells and animals will be considered only if they contribute to major improvements in the prediction, diagnosis, monitoring, therapy and prevention of metabolic diseases or to a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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