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Toxin Reviews

Title Abbreviation
Toxin Rev
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Pharmacologists, Scientists, Toxicologists
Toxin Reviews provides an international forum for publishing state-of-the-art reviews and guest-edited single topic special issues covering the multidisciplinary research in the area of toxins derived from animals, plants and microorganisms. Our aim is to publish reviews that are of broad interest and importance to the toxinology as well as other life science communities. Toxin Reviews aims to encourage scientists to highlight the contribution of toxins as research tools in deciphering molecular and cellular mechanisms, and as prototypes of therapeutic agents. Reviews should emphasize the role of toxins in enhancing our fundamental understanding of life sciences, protein chemistry, structural biology, pharmacology, clinical toxinology and evolution. Prominence will be given to reviews that propose new ideas or approaches and further the knowledge of toxinology. Toxin Reviews delivers up-to-date research on toxins, their characteristics, activities, and mechanisms of action, ranging in scope from new, underutilized substances, through anti-venoms to chemical and biological weapons. All reviews are expected to be concise, well organized, clearly written and highly relevant. Unsolicited reviews are also considered, and the editors welcome suggestion on topics.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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