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5675 Journals
4563 Congresses
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Title Abbreviation
Biologists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Neuroscientists, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists
L'Encephale is a journal of General Psychiatry (Clinical Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology). Initially dedicated to French speaking world, for five years L'Encephale has opened its submitting process to English speaking papers. Now it has become the International Journal of French Psychiatry. This journal with an Open Access option aims to provide state-of-the art research and policy updates and to stimulate discussion and debate amongst clinicians, research scientists and patient advocates in psychiatry, mental health, behavioral science, and neuroscience. L'Encephale is committed to publishing the latest advances in the full range of issues related to mental health including new developments in diagnosis and treatment, and advances in the biological underpinnings of mental, behavioral and cognitive function in clinical and general population samples.
Sponsoring Association(s)
L'Encéphale Online (The Brain Online)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Masson SAS Éditeur
To see more details about L'Encéphale, Subscribe Now!
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