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Medicinal Chemists, Molecular Biologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Pharmacologists, Scientists
Pharmaceuticals is an international scientific journal of medicinal chemistry and related drug sciences. Our aim is to publish updated reviews as well as research articles with comprehensive theoretical and experimental details. Short communications are also accepted; therefore, there is no restriction on the length of a paper. The multidisciplinary journal welcomes manuscripts covering a wide range of aspects involved in drug discovery and development. The following topics are considered: Small molecules as drug candidates: drug discovery, drug design, medicinal chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, SAR, structure-property correlations, molecular modeling, pharmacophore, and bioinformatics; Biomolecules, natural products, phages, and cells as therapeutic tools: peptides, aptamers, glycans, antibodies, extracts, bacteriophages, and stem cells; Biological targets and biomarkers: enzymes, receptors, membranes, genes, ion channels, inhibitors, agonists, antagonists, neurons, binding affinity, biofilms, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protein–protein interactions; Radiopharmaceutical sciences, radiochemistry, (hybrid-)imaging, and nuclear medicine: radiopharmaceuticals, radiotracers, fluorescent dye labeled tracers, contrast agents, PET/CT, PET/MRI RMI, SPECT/CT, and scintigraphy; Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: pharmaceutical analyses, drug effects, ADME, animal experimentation, and clinical trials; Pharmaceutical preparations and drug delivery: dosage form design, bioconjugates, prodrugs, formulation, metabolites, nanomaterials, nanomedicines, and drug targeting.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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MDPI Publishing
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