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Biologists, Cell Biologists, Chemists, Cytologists, Immunologists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Pharmacists, Scientists, Toxicologists
ELECTROPHORESIS is an international journal that publishes original manuscripts on all aspects of electrophoresis, and liquid phase separations (e.g., HPLC, micro- and nano-LC, UHPLC, micro- and nano-fluidics, liquid-phase micro-extractions, etc.). Topics include new or improved analytical and preparative methods, sample preparation, development of theory, and innovative applications of electrophoretic and liquid phase separations methods in the study of nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates natural products, pharmaceuticals, food analysis, environmental species and other compounds of importance to the life sciences. Papers in the areas of microfluidics and proteomics, which are not limited to electrophoresis-based methods, will also be accepted for publication. Contributions focused on hyphenated and omics techniques are also of interest. Proteomics is within the scope, if related to its fundamentals and new technical approaches. Proteomics applications are only considered in particular cases. Papers describing the application of standard electrophoretic methods will not be considered.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
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