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Neurological Review (Revue Neurologique)

Title Abbreviation
Rev Neurol (Paris)
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
The first issue of the Revue Neurologique, featuring an original article by Jean-Martin Charcot, was published on February 28th, 1893. Six years later, the French Society of Neurology (SFN) adopted this journal as its official publication in the year of its foundation, 1899. The Revue Neurologique was published throughout the 20th century without interruption and is indexed in all international databases (including Current Contents, Pubmed, Scopus). Ten annual issues provide original peer-reviewed clinical and research articles, and review articles giving up-to-date insights in all areas of neurology. The Revue Neurologique also publishes guidelines and recommendations. The Revue Neurologique publishes original articles, brief reports, general reviews, editorials, and letters to the editor as well as correspondence concerning articles previously published in the journal in the correspondence column.
Sponsoring Association(s)
French Society of Neurology (Société Française de Neurologie) (SFN)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Masson SAS Éditeur
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