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ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters

Title Abbreviation
ACS Med Chem Lett
Electronic ISSN
Chemists, Medicinal Chemists, Molecular Biologists, Organic Chemists, Pharmacologists, Physicists
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters is interested in receiving manuscripts that discuss various aspects of medicinal chemistry. The journal will publish studies that pertain to a broad range of subject matter, including compound design and optimization, biological evaluation, drug delivery, imaging agents, and pharmacology of both small and large bioactive molecules. Specific areas include but are not limited to: Identification, synthesis, and optimization of lead; biologically active molecules and drugs (small molecules and biologics); Biological characterization of new molecular entities in the context of drug discovery; Computational, cheminformatics, and structural studies for the identification or SAR analysis of bioactive molecules, ligands and their targets, etc.; Novel and improved methodologies, including radiation biochemistry, with broad application to medicinal chemistry; Discovery technologies for biologically active molecules from both synthetic and natural (plant and other) sources; Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies that address mechanisms underlying drug disposition and response Pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic studies used to enhance drug design and the translation of medicinal chemistry into the clinic; Mechanistic drug metabolism and regulation of metabolic enzyme gene expression; Chemistry patents relevant to the medicinal chemistry field.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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