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Langmuir is the leading journal focusing on the fundamental science of systems and materials in which the interface dominates structure and function. Submissions on original advances in the understanding of interfaces including novel concepts and emerging areas are welcome. The following topics are within the scope of Langmuir: Surfaces and interfaces (synthetic and natural): adsorption, surfactants, emulsions, ultrathin films, forces and dynamics. Surface chemistry of interface-rich systems and nanoparticles/colloids. Interface-driven stability; response, organization and self-organization of (nano)particle suspensions and structures. Charge transfer at interfaces: electrochemistry, processes related to energy use and production. Bio-interfaces: synthetic surfaces in vivo and in vitro. Measurements on interfaces and colloids. Understanding of fundamental interfacial properties aided by theory & computations.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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