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Pharmaceutical Engineering

Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, Consultant Pharmacists, Nutritionists, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Veterinarians
Pharmaceutical Engineering is a technical magazine published by ISPE for its Members, who are engaged in the research, development, and manufacture of medicines and medical devices. Pharmaceutical Engineering magazine covers all sectors of the global pharmaceutical industry, focusing on scientific and technical developments, regulatory initiatives, and innovative solutions for real-life challenges. All technical content is peer reviewed. Practical articles and case studies highlight global best practices in engineering and design, product development, technology transfer, process development and scale-up, commercial manufacturing, quality and compliance, and product lifecycle management. Features and member editorials focus on new technology, quality management practices, and innovation. Other topics include biopharma, breakthrough therapies, next-generation manufacturing, quality metrics, quality risk management, supply chain integrity, and sustainability. Technical articles are published in the following categories: Facilities and Equipment, Information Systems, Product Development, Production Systems, Quality Systems, Regulatory Compliance, Research and Development, Supply Chain Management.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
Publisher Name
International Society Of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE)
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