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Advances in Biological Regulation

Title Abbreviation
Adv Biol Regul
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists, Chemists, Molecular Biologists, Researchers, Scientists
Advances in Biological Regulation (formerly Advances in Enzyme Regulation) reports cutting edge scientific progress on regulation at the molecular level, covering: The molecular biology of control of gene expression by hormones, drugs and growth factors in cancer cells and in clinical situations of metabolic diseases, inborn errors of metabolism and neoplasia. Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine issues Regulatory networks, mainly in cellular signalling, differentiation, cell cycle & growth control, structure-function relationships, cell fate and lineage commitment or assembly mechanisms in cells Viruses, or supramolecular constructs, and signaling mechanisms mediating transcription Genomic, proteomic, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to identify and characterize steps of biological control in a cellular context. Complex cellular, pathogenic, clinical, or animal model systems studied by biochemical, molecular, genetic, epigenetic or quantitative ultrastructural approaches.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Ltd. - Oxford
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