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Journal of Antibiotics

Title Abbreviation
J Antibiot (Tokyo)
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Researchers, Chemists, Microbiologists, Pharmacologists
The Journal seeks to promote research on antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances and publishes Articles, Review Articles, Brief Communication, Correspondence and other specially commissioned reports. Journal accepts papers on biochemical, chemical, microbiological and pharmacological studies. However, studies regarding human therapy do not fall under the journal’s scope. Contributions regarding recently discovered antibiotics and biologically active microbial products are particularly encouraged. Topics of particular interest within the journal's scope include, but are not limited to, those listed below: Discovery of new antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances; Production, isolation, characterization, structural elucidation, chemical synthesis and derivatization, biological activities, mechanisms of action, and structure-activity relationships of antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances; Biosynthesis, bioconversion, taxonomy and genetic studies on producing microorganisms, as well as improvement of production of antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances; Novel physical, chemical, biochemical, microbiological or pharmacological methods for detection, assay, determination, structural elucidation and evaluation of antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances; Newly found properties, mechanisms of action and resistance-development of antibiotics and related types of biologically active substances.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Japan Antibiotics Research Association (JARA), Society for Actinomycetes Japan (SAJ)
Publisher Name
Nature Publishing Group - UK
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