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Learning & Memory

Title Abbreviation
Learn Mem
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Cell Biologists, Electrophysiologists, Molecular Biologists, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Physiologists, Physiotherapists
The neurobiology of learning and memory is entering a new interdisciplinary era. Advances in neuropsychology have identified regions of brain tissue that are critical for certain types of function. Electrophysiological techniques have revealed behavioral correlates of neuronal activity. Studies of synaptic plasticity suggest that some mechanisms of memory formation may resemble those of neural development. And molecular approaches have identified genes with patterns of expression that influence behavior. It is clear that future progress depends on interdisciplinary investigations. The current literature of learning and memory is large but fragmented. Until now, there has been no single journal devoted to this area of study and no dominant journal that demands attention by serious workers in the area, regardless of specialty. Learning & Memory provides a forum for these investigations in the form of research papers and review articles.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
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