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Biologists, Medicinal Chemists, Molecular Biologists
Metallomics publishes cutting-edge investigations aimed at elucidating the identification, distribution, role and impact of metals and metalloids in biological systems. Studies that address the ‘what, where, when, how and why’ of these inorganic elements in cells, tissues, organisms and various environmental niches are welcome, especially those employing multidisciplinary approaches drawn from the analytical, bioinorganic, medicinal, environmental, biophysical, cell biology, and chemical biology communities. We are particularly interested in articles that enhance our chemical and/or physical understanding of the molecular mechanisms of metal-dependent life processes, and those that probe the common space between metallomics and other ‘omics approaches to uncover new insights into biological processes. Metallomics seeks to position itself at the forefront of those advances in analytical chemistry destined to clarify the enormous complexity of biological systems. As such, we particularly welcome those papers that outline cutting-edge analytical technologies, e.g., in the development and application of powerful new imaging, spectroscopic and mass spectrometric modalities. Work that describes new insights into metal speciation, trafficking and dynamics in complex systems or as a function of microenvironment are also strongly encouraged. Studies that examine the interconnectivity of metal-dependent processes with systems level responses relevant to organismal health or disease are also strongly encouraged, for example those that probe the effect of chemical exposure on metal homeostasis or the impact of metal-based drugs on cellular processes.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Publisher Name
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
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