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Microbial Genomics

Title Abbreviation
Microb Genom
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Microbiologists, Clinicians, Environmental Epidemiologists, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Scientists
Microbial Genomics is a fully open access, open data, peer reviewed journal that publishes high quality, original research on archaea, bacteria, microbial eukaryotes and viruses. Submissions are welcome from across the breadth of microbiology and should include a genomic approach. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: Microbial evolution (including viruses); Population genomics and phylogeography; Outbreaks and epidemiological investigations; Ecosystems, community and niche interactions; Host pathogen, host commensal, host microbiota interactions; The microbiome; Responses to human interventions (e.g. clinical, agricultural); Metagenomic and whole transcriptome studies; Functional genomics; New models and computational methods; Sequencing tools, algorithms and protocols. Our aim is to publish articles communicating novel insights, exciting new applications or innovative approaches to analysis using genomic data. Publications should aim towards a better understanding of all aspects of microbial genomics ranging from large long- term studies on microbial evolution and epidemiology to studies that have immediate clinical or environmental relevance.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Microbiology Society
Publisher Name
Microbiology Society
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