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Epileptic Disorders

Title Abbreviation
Epileptic Disord
Electronic ISSN
Clinicians, Educators, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Physicians, Scientists
Create educational links between epileptologists and other health professionals in clinical practice and scientists or physicians in research-based institutions. Epileptic Disorders is the leading forum where all experts and medical studentswho wish to improve their understanding of epilepsy and related disorders can share practical experiences surrounding diagnosis and care, natural history, and management of seizures. Epileptic Disorders is the official E-journal of the International League Against Epilepsy for educational communication. As the journal celebrates its 20th anniversary, it will now be available only as an online version. Its mission is to create educational links between epileptologists and other health professionals in clinical practice and scientists or physicians in research-based institutions. This change is accompanied by an increase in the number of issues per year, from 4 to 6, to ensure regular diffusion of recently published material (high quality Review and Seminar in Epileptology papers; Original Research articles or Case reports of educational value; MultiMedia Teaching Material), to serve the global medical community that cares for those affected by epilepsy.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)
Publisher Name
John Libbey Eurotext Publishers
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