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International Journal of Urological Nursing

Title Abbreviation
Int J Urol Nurs
Electronic ISSN
Advanced Practice Nurses, Educators, Emergency Nurses, Med-Surg Nurses, Nurse Educators, Nurse Oncologists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Nursing Students
nternational Journal of Urological Nursing is an international peer-reviewed Journal for all nurses, non-specialist and specialist, who care for individuals with urological disorders. It is relevant for nurses working in a variety of settings: inpatient care, outpatient care, ambulatory care, community care, operating departments and specialist clinics. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of urological nursing skills and knowledge. It supports the publication of local issues of relevance to a wider international community to disseminate good practice. The International Journal of Urological Nursing is clinically focused, evidence-based and welcomes contributions in the following clinical and non-clinical areas: General Urology, Continence care, Oncology, Andrology, Stoma care, Paediatric urology, Men’s health, Uro-gynaecology, Reconstructive surgery, Clinical audit, Clinical governance, Nurse-led services, Reflective analysis, Education, Management, Research, Leadership. The Journal welcomes original research papers, practice development papers and literature reviews. It also invites shorter papers such as case reports, critical commentary, reflective analysis and reports of audit, as well as contributions to regular sections such as the media reviews section. The International Journal of Urological Nursing supports the development of academic writing within the specialty and particularly welcomes papers from young researchers or practitioners who are seeking to build a publication profile.
Sponsoring Association(s)
British Association of Urological Nurses (BAUN)
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - UK
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