Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cardiologists, Cell Biologists, Dermatologists, Hematologists, Neurologists, Oncologists, Ophthalmologists, Orthopedists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Vascular Medicine Specialists
Biomedicines (ISSN 2227-9059) is an open access journal devoted to all aspects of research on human health and disease, the discovery and characterization of new therapeutic targets, therapeutic strategies, and research of naturally driven biomedicines, pharmaceuticals, and biopharmaceutical products. Topics include pathogenesis mechanisms of diseases, translational medical research, biomaterial in biomedical research, natural bioactive molecules, biologics, biosimilar, vaccines, gene therapies, cell-based therapies, targeted specific antibodies, recombinant therapeutic proteins, nanobiotechnology driven products, targeted therapy, bioimaging, biosensors, biomarkers, biosimilars, and nano-biosimilars. The journal is open for publication of studies conducted at the basic science and preclinical research levels. We invite you to consider submitting your work to Biomedicines, be it original research, review articles, or developing Special Issues of current key topics.
Biomedicines publishes high-quality papers that address the challenges in bringing biological agents or novel targeted strategies through identification, development, and, ultimately, to clinical use. Therefore, laboratory medicine research, translation medicinal research, and comprehensive preclinical studies are all within the scope of the journal.