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JCSM Rapid Communications

Title Abbreviation
JCSM Rapid Commun
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Allied Health Professionals, Biologists, Clinicians, Dietitians, Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Immunologists, Nutritionists, Oncologists, Pharmacologists, Physiatrists, Physicians
JCSM Rapid Communications considers articles and reviews which focus on the clinical and scientific aspects of the field and its incorporation into clinical practice. Academic rigour is of particular importance. The journal is focused on the bench to bedside approach, favouring studies and clinical observations which generate hypotheses and questions relevant to the patient and to the condition of cachexia and sarcopenia, as well as to body composition and its physiological and pathophysiological changes during the lifespan, and in response to different illnesses. The term cachexia describes involuntary weight loss that is observed in the course of many chronic diseases, and is one of the most debilitating and life-threatening aspects of various illnesses at advanced stages. Cachexia, wasting syndromes and sarcopenia are becoming a concerning challenge for an increasing number of patients, their relatives and the medical teams caring for them. JCSM Rapid Communications is of interest to all physicians, biochemists, biologists, dieticians, pharmacologists, and students dealing with cachexia, wasting and sarcopenia in various diseases. We welcome submissions with a translational focus from clinicians, researchers, policy makers and those working in industry. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following topics: Clinical and basic research studies into the alterations in body composition, particularly those affecting skeletal muscle, bone and fat tissue; Sarcopenia, i.e. loss of functional muscle mass without weight loss, as related to the ageing process, reduced physical performance, falls, and disability; Clinical trials to improve body composition or functional performance, also including exercise interventions; Clinical care of affected patients, such as those suffering from AIDS, cancer, chronic heart failure, chronic lung disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, or sepsis; Functional importance of fat tissue and mechanisms leading to lipolysis; Mechanisms of muscle wasting; Potential therapeutic approaches; Diagnostic and assessment approaches involving researchers and clinicians seeking better screening and evaluation options and enhanced biomarkers through validated complementary investigations; Diseases associated with muscle loss such as neuromuscular disorders.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders (SCWD)
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