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Journal of Applied Gerontology

Title Abbreviation
J Appl Gerontol
Electronic ISSN
Caregivers, Gerontologists, Hospice Nurses, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers
The Journal of Applied Gerontology features articles that focus on research applications intended to improve the health and quality of life of older persons or to enhance our understanding of age-related issues that will eventually lead to such outcomes. We construe application to include original investigations or meta-analyses/systematic reviews that have significant clinical, policy, and/or practice implications. Rigorous studies of theoretical, conceptual, or methodological issues pertaining to research application are also welcome. Journal of Applied Gerontology is also highlighting submissions in three areas that will advance the state-of-the-art in applied gerontological/geriatric research: studies that employ mixed methodologies (i.e., the integration of qualitative and quantitative data); efforts that translate evidence-based research to clinical practice; and policy evaluations that apply evaluation principles and methods to examine the implementation and effectiveness of a government or institutional policy or program. Because the circulation and intended audience of the Journal of Applied Gerontology is global and diverse, contributions from international scholars and across disciplines are encouraged.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Southern Gerontological Society (SGS)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - US
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