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Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing

Title Abbreviation
Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs
Electronic ISSN
Advanced Practice Nurses, Med-Surg Nurses, Nurse Oncologists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing is the official journal of the Asian Oncology Nursing Society. APJON is a monthly, gold open access journal that addresses different spectrums in relation to oncology nursing-prevention, screening and early detection, geriatric and pediatric nursing, medical and surgical oncology, ambulatory care, nutritional support, cancer-related psychosocial issues and support, management of cancer symptoms and side effects caused by different types of cancer treatment, palliative care and end of life care, long-term survivorship, and other issues and care related to cancer patients-especially nursing innovations and the research findings in these areas. The journal offers up-to-date information about AONS and features the following article types: editorial, review, original article, case report, letter to editor, short report, technical notes, nurse education, etc. In particular, APJON will serve as a platform for all oncology nurses from the Asia Pacific region to share information in each field of oncology nursing.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Asian Oncology Nursing Society (AONS)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Inc - NY
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