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Crystal Growth & Design

Title Abbreviation
Cryst Growth Des
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Chemists, Medicinal Chemists, Organic Chemists
The aim of Crystal Growth & Design is to stimulate cross fertilization of knowledge among scientists and engineers working in the fields of crystal growth, crystal engineering, and the industrial application of crystalline materials and molecular assemblies. Crystal Growth & Design publishes theoretical and experimental studies of the physical, chemical, and biological phenomena and processes related to the design, growth, and application of crystalline materials. Synergistic approaches originating from different disciplines and technologies and integrating the fields of crystal growth, crystal engineering, intermolecular interactions, and industrial application are encouraged. Contributions emphasizing the fundamental concepts of crystal growth or molecular assembly and supporting further understanding of the relationship between assembly conditions and resulting properties or function of the material are highlighted. The journal does not publish routine reports of new material morphologies unless the morphology leads to significantly improved function or properties. The journal primarily covers the following: Crystal engineering (e.g., organic, inorganic, and hybrid solids) - Crystal growth of inorganic, organic, and biological substances (e.g., biomineralization) - Molecular assembly processes related to crystallization including the formation of gels, liquid crystals, colloids and amorphous materials - Polymorphism, polytypism - Development of new functional nanostructured phases - Intermolecular interactions in the solid state (e.g., hydrogen bonding, lattice energies) - Modeling of crystal growth processes - Prediction of crystal structure and crystal habit - Determination and calculation of electronic distribution in the solid state - Nucleation theory - Molecular kinetics and transport phenomena in crystal growth - Phase transitions - Solvation and crystallization phenomena, modeling of crystallization processes - Significant new ideas in industrial crystallization.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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