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Aerosol Science and Technology

Title Abbreviation
Aerosol Sci Technol
Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Chemists, Pharmacists
Aerosol Science and Technology publishes theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations papers that advance knowledge of aerosols and facilitate its application. Articles on either basic or applied work are suitable. Examples of topics include instrumentation for the measurement of aerosol physical, optical, chemical and biological properties; aerosol dynamics and transport phenomena; numerical modeling; charging; nucleation; nanoparticles and nanotechnology; lung deposition and health effects; filtration; and aerosol generation. Consistent with the criteria given above, papers that deal with the atmosphere, climate change, indoor and workplace environments, homeland security, pharmaceutical aerosols, combustion sources, aerosol synthesis reactors, and contamination control in semiconductor manufacturing will be considered. AST normally does not consider papers that describe routine measurements or models for aerosol air quality assessment.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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