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Title Abbreviation
Bioengineering (Basel)
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists
Bioengineering (ISSN 2306-5354) provides an advanced forum for the science and technology of bioengineering. It publishes original research papers, comprehensive reviews, and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. All aspects of bioengineering are welcomed from theoretical concepts to education and applications. Scope Bionics and biological cybernetics: implantology; bio–abio interfaces Bioelectronics: wearable electronics; implantable electronics; “more than Moore” electronics; bioelectronics devices Bioprocess and biosystems engineering and applications: bioprocess design; biocatalysis; bioseparation and bioreactors; bioinformatics; bioenergy; etc. Biomolecular, cellular and tissue engineering and applications: tissue engineering; chromosome engineering; embryo engineering; cellular, molecular and synthetic biology; metabolic engineering; bio-nanotechnology; micro/nano technologies; genetic engineering; transgenic technology Biomedical engineering and applications: biomechatronics; biomedical electronics; biomechanics; biomaterials; biomimetics; biomedical diagnostics; biomedical therapy; biomedical devices; sensors and circuits; biomedical imaging and medical information systems; implants and regenerative medicine; neurotechnology; clinical engineering; rehabilitation engineering Biochemical engineering and applications: metabolic pathway engineering; modeling and simulation Translational bioengineering
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