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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Title Abbreviation
Ind Eng Chem Res
Therapeutic Area
Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Chemists, Computer Scientists, Electrophysiologists, Medicinal Chemists
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, with variations in title and format, has been published since 1909 by the American Chemical Society. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry is a weekly publication that reports industrial and academic research in the broad fields of applied chemistry and chemical and biomolecular/biochemical engineering. Papers may be based on work that is experimental, computational, or theoretical, mathematical or descriptive, and chemical, physical, or biological. Accounts of research that combine multiple approaches (e.g., experimentation with validation by modeling or vice versa) are particularly welcome. We seek reports of significant fundamental research advances that draw on core areas such as thermodynamics, transport phenomena, chemical reaction kinetics and engineering, catalysis, separations, and process systems engineering. We also welcome reports on significant advances in product research and development that use chemical and engineering principles to improve or create new catalysts, plastics, sorbents, membranes, and functional materials, for example, for controlled delivery, storage, or energy conversion. Papers dealing with new areas of science and technology that fit the broad scope and objectives of the journal are encouraged.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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