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CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry

Title Abbreviation
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Chemists, Organic Chemists
CHIMIA is a international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal for the chemical sciences in the broadest sense published by the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS). CHIMIA is a platinum Open Access journal with free access to the online published articles for the reader and with no publication fees for the authors of peer-reviewed scientific articles; Authors retain the copyright to their work. Each issue of CHIMIA is devoted to a special topic of current significance or interest in chemistry or related sciences. Special topic issues are coordinated by a guest editor, who invites authors to contribute. Contributions from all fields of chemistry and related areas are also considered for publication in the form of Notes. Columns, Community News, Events, and CHIMIA Report/Company News complete each issue. Membership of the Swiss Chemical Society, or in one of the organizations named in the masthead (impressum), is not a prerequisite for the acceptance of a manuscript. The decision to accept a contribution rests with the Editorial Committee of CHIMIA.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Publisher Name
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
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