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Journal of Chromatographic Science

Title Abbreviation
J Chromatogr Sci
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Bio Chemists, Chemists
The Journal of Chromatographic Science is devoted to the dissemination of information concerning all methods of chromatographic analysis. The standard manuscript is a description of recent original research that covers any or all phases of a specific separation problem, principle, or method. Manuscripts which have a high degree of novelty and fundamental significance to the field of separation science are particularly encouraged. It is expected the authors will clearly state in the Introduction how their method compares in some markedly new and improved way to previous published related methods. Analytical performance characteristics of new methods including sensitivity, tested limits of detection or quantification, accuracy, precision, and specificity should be provided.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Oxford University Press - US
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