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Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Title Abbreviation
Can J Chem Eng
Electronic ISSN
Bio Chemists, Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Bioprocess Technologists, Chemists
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) publishes original research articles, new theoretical interpretation or experimental findings and critical reviews in the science or industrial practice of chemical and biochemical processes. Preference is given to papers having a clearly indicated scope and applicability in any of the following areas: Fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, multiphase flows, separations processes, thermodynamics, process systems engineering, reactors and reaction kinetics, catalysis, interfacial phenomena, electrochemical phenomena, bioengineering, minerals processing and natural products and environmental and energy engineering. Papers that merely describe or present a conventional or routine analysis (without novel elements) of existing processes will not be considered.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSCHE)
Publisher Name
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