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Frontiers in Medicine - Pulmonary Medicine

Clinicians, Geneticists, Pulmonologists
Frontiers in Medicine - Pulmonary Medicine section provides an Open Access publication forum with rapid turnaround, for high quality research in pulmonary diseases, utilizing an online strategy and efficient review process. The aim is to act as a platform for translational research between scientists and clinicians. Research findings which improve our understanding in the early origin of lung diseases, amongst which, genetic and epigenetic influences related to early environmental factors should be addressed. Research on lifestyle impacting inflammatory mechanisms and premature aging of the lung should be a focus of this forum, to help in the prevention of several chronic lung diseases. Various environmental factors leading to different phenotypes of asthma all through life are of interest. The role of microbiote and dysbiose to worsen or protect from chronic, obstructive, or restrictive lung diseases, are of interest in view of the specific compartmentalization of our defenses to protect our terminal airways to ensure gas exchanges. Studies that integrate cellular, molecular, biochemical and proteomic aspects of lung injury and repair, allowing novel pharmacological approaches are welcome. Due to the abundance of novel technologies available, room will be made to integrate new functional and metabolic imaging. Potential biomarkers to diagnose or monitor lung inflammation are expected. New biological treatments or interventions in the developing area of personalized medicine should be reflected in the Respiratory Medicine section of Frontiers in Medicine.
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Frontiers Media SA
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