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Biologists, Cardiologists, Cardiovascular Surgeons, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Diabetologists, Geneticists, Immunologists, Mycologists, Neurologists, Oncologists, Pathologists, Physiologists
Autophagy publishes peer-reviewed research on all aspects of autophagic processes. The aim of Autophagy is to be the premiere journal publishing high quality papers in the field which has advanced tremendously, due in large part to the multiple connections between autophagy and various aspects of human health and disease. Autophagy covers the following topics: autophagic processes (i.e. the lysosome/vacuole dependent degradation of intracellular material); the connections between autophagy and various aspects of human health and disease including, cancer, neurodegeneration, aging, diabetes, myopathies and heart disease; and we are interested in all experimental systems, from yeast to human. Suggestions for appropriate specialized topics are welcome.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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