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Aging Health

Title Abbreviation
Aging health
Therapeutic Area
Clinicians, General Practitioners, Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Neurologists, Scientists
Recent years have seen an abrupt decline in birth rates in the Western World against a setting of life-extending advances in healthcare. However, declining physiological, sensory and cognitive skills among the elderly represent a huge medical burden, and elderly adults are also at greater risk from chronic illnesses, disabilities and susceptibility to disease. The significant demographic changes underway therefore present major challenges for the clinical community, healthcare systems, governmental bodies and the pharmaceutical industry. As the mechanisms underlying disease and disability in the elderly become better understood, there is an increasing requirement for a centralized forum for commentary and analysis of the rapidly expanding wealth of information in this field. Aging Health focuses on the most important advances and highlights their relevance in the clinical setting.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Future Medicine Ltd.
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