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Human & Experimental Toxicology

Title Abbreviation
Hum Exp Toxicol
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Chemists, Immunologists, Medicinal Chemists, Molecular Biologists, Outcomes Manager, Pathologists, Pharmacologists, Physicians, Toxicologists
Human and Experimental Toxicology (HET), an international peer-reviewed journal, is dedicated to publishing nonclinical and clinical original research papers and in-depth reviews that comprehensively cover functional, biochemical, and structural disorders in toxicology. The principal aim of HET is to publish timely high impact hypothesis driven scholarly work with an international scope. The journal publishes on: Structural, functional, biochemical, and molecular effects of toxic agents, Studies that address mechanisms/modes of toxicity, Safety evaluation of novel chemical, biotechnologically-derived products, and nanomaterials for human health assessment including statistical and mechanism-based approaches, Novel methods or approaches to research on animal and human tissues (medical and veterinary patients) investigating the functional, biochemical, and structural disorder, In vitro techniques, particularly those supporting alternative methods Utilization of novel approaches such as exploring adverse outcome pathways e.g. in the service of risk assessment of chemicals. Papers submitted will be judged on the basis of scientific originality and contribution to the field and quality and subject matter. Authors must clearly identify chemically the material tested and briefly explain what novel toxic effect (s) or toxic mechanism (s) of the chemical are being reported and what their significance is.
Sponsoring Association(s)
French Society of Toxicology (Société Française de Toxicologie)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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