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Title Abbreviation
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Allergists, Bioengineers, Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists, Chemists, Clinicians, Cytologists, Hematologists, Immunologists, Industrial Scientists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Medicinal Chemists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Technologists, Toxicologists
Biologicals provides a modern and multidisciplinary international forum for news, debate, and original research on all aspects of biologicals used in human and veterinary medicine. The journal publishes original papers, reviews, and letters relevant to the development, production, quality control, and standardization of biological derived from both novel and established biotechnologies. Special issues are produced to reflect topics of particular international interest and concern.Three types of papers are welcome: original research reports, short papers, and review articles. The journal will also publish comments and letters to the editor, book reviews, meeting reports and information on regulatory issues. Research areas include areas relevant to biologicals for human and veterinary use such as: • Bacterial vaccines • Blood products • Cell biology • Cell culture technology • Cellular immunology • Cytokines and allied mediators • Diagnostics • Downstream processing • Gene transfer and expression • General bacterology • General virology, endogenous and adventitious viruses • Hormones • Immunochemistry • Molecular biology • Monoclonal antibodies • Parasitology • Prion and prion disease • Protein chemistry • Toxins • Toxoids • Viral vaccines.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Association for Biologicals (IABS)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Academic Press - UK
To see more details about Biologicals, Subscribe Now!
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