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Global Spine Journal

Title Abbreviation
Global Spine J
Electronic ISSN
Epidemiologists, Neurologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Orthopedists, Researchers, Scientists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging, Spinal Cord Lesions/Research, Surgeons
Global Spine Journal (GSJ) is the official scientific publication of AO Spine. GSJ now incorporates Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal (EBSJ), (which was previously a separate AO Spine publication) as a special section in each issue. A peer-reviewed journal, GSJ is devoted to the study and treatment of spinal disorders, including diagnosis, operative and non-operative treatment options, surgical techniques, and emerging research and clinical developments. An Open Access journal that is published eight times a year, the journal is essential reading for all researchers and clinicians specializing in the spine. GSJ is indexed in PubMedCentral and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). With a multi-disciplinary scope, GSJ features original research, reviews, commentaries, editorials, and technical reports in all spine fields. The journal promotes communication among spine surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and neurosurgeons across the globe by providing an integrated and balanced view of the clinical and basic science studies of spinal disorders. EBSJ is dedicated to finding, describing and developing the highest quality evidence for treating and managing spinal disorders. EBSJ focuses on comparative studies of effectiveness and seeks to stimulate further areas of high quality spine-related research. EBSJ sets the stage for evidence-based practice and will influence the future of spine surgery for years to come. EBSJ now features Systematic Reviews, Original Research with methodological review, narrative reviews and literature reviews. EBSJ is a unique concept with regard to format and streamlined presentation of information. The goal is to provide an accurate, concise presentation of information that can be grasped at-a-glance by busy spine surgeons.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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